Why can't I see the custom Category or Keyword that I created in my Opportunities or Projects?

Although the following screenshots depict the Category option, the same applies for Keyword. As well, it is the same process for each Object.

Go to Daylite > Preferences, select Category, and click Opportunities. You will need to ensure that the following things are in order to see the custom Category that you created in your Opportunities or Projects:

  1. The Category is 'Active', i.e. there is a checkmark in the 'Active' checkbox.
  2. The appropriate Object has a checkmark next to it, i.e. People, Companies, Projects, etc. You have to place a checkmark next to the Object you would like that Category to show up under as an option. In Daylite’s Preferences > Categories, there is a checkmark next to Active and the Objects that they apply to are highlighted.
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