Daylite and Billings Pro Integration

Share data between two powerful business applications; Billings Pro and Daylite. Set up your business in Daylite by creating clients, sales opportunities and projects then seamlessly import your data into Billings Pro to track time, send invoices and manage payments.

Download the integration guide and Watch the video to learn how:

  1. Highlight a client's name in Billings Pro
  2. Choose File -> Import -> Import Project or Opportunity from Daylite for client name
  3. If there are open Projects and Opportunities linked to the Contact/Organization in Daylite, Billings Pro will open a sheet displaying those objects. You can now select a Project/Opportunity that you wish to import.
  4. If you choose to import an Opportunity, you can include line items from the Opportunity's estimate. The taxes you have set up in Billings Pro Preferences can be applied to the estimate.
  5. You can select whether you wish to import appointments, tasks, file references, web-references, and/or notes.
  6. You have the option to import Tasks/Appointments as either estimate slips or working slips.
  7. When you have chosen your options, click Import.

User information is retained for each user as this is crucial for generating reports, invoices, and/or estimates. In the Report Designer, the key 'foreignAppUser' stores the user information required for the estimate and working slips.

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