How to import contacts from a spreadsheet
Watch a step-by-step guide on how to import from a spreadsheet file or follow the steps outlined below.
Watch the video
Interested in Importing a spreadsheet but don't know where to start? Use the following sample CSV and Mapping Profile to get yourself started.
Sample Client Import CSV
Sample Client Mapping Profile
To save your data as a delimited text file, from the Apple Menu Bar, go to File > Export To > CSV. *Save the file as is, do NOT check the box “Include Table Names,” if this is available. Create and save your delimited file from the source application or use our Sample Client Import CSV.
Steps to Import Your Data:
- From the Menu Bar in Daylite, choose File > Import > Import Delimited Text Data.
- In the import window, click the Browse button and locate the file you want to import.
- From the “Kind” drop-down selector, choose which kind of data you are importing into Daylite.
- Choose whether to separate fields using tabs or commas using the appropriate drop-down selector. For example, for CSV files, choose Comma from the “Separate Fields With” drop-down selector.
- Disable the checkbox labelled "Field names are on the first line" only if there is no information on the first line of your file.
Do not adjust the Field Wrapper fields unless the data you are importing has specific fields, such as <> or " ".
6. Complete the mapping. Each Source is a header from your List that needs to correspond with a field in Daylite. We do this by picking a Destination which will be the new Daylite field. You can add or remove entries from the mapping table by clicking the "+" or "-" button at the bottom of the pane.
When you select a destination for certain source fields, a Unique checkbox appears. This is helpful when you want to see if the contact already exists. For a value being imported, if you place a check in the 'Unique' checkbox, the importer will check the Daylite database during the import, to see if that value already exists. If an identical value exists for each of the unique checkboxes in Daylite, that value is not imported into Daylite, and additional imported Values from the same row in the spreadsheet will be added to the matching record in Daylite.
7. Save your mapping profile, if desired (see below)
8. Once you have mapped all the destination fields, please preview the changes and click to import.
The Last Import list will automatically be created in Daylite with all your newly imported entries. This is just a reference, all recently imported objects will automatically live in their corresponding folders such as People or Companies. If you delete this list, it will not delete the records you imported.
Mapping your Import
Please note that if you cannot find an appropriate destination field for any of your source fields, specify your own field name by choosing one of the Extra Fields from the destination list. This field name will be used when you import values into Daylite. Then enter a name in the bottom right corner for each "Extra Field" that you need to create:
Saving a Mapping Profile
Mapping profiles are handy if you import the same type of information on a regular basis.
Once you have made your selections by following the steps above, save a mapping profile by choosing Profile > Save Profile.
Loading a Mapping Profile
To load a profile you previously used for a similar import:
- Open the 'Import Delimited data' screen, and choose the file you're importing this time by clicking 'Browse'.
- Click once on the Profile button, and you'll see an option to Load Profile. Select this option and choose your mapping profile (the file ends in .dlmap4). If you used our Sample Client Import CSV, you can use our Client Mapping Profile.
Additional Tips
- Select Preview to see how the import is mapped
- For fields representing dates such as birth date, date last modified, start date, end date etc., choose a date format in the Date Interpretation pop-up menu.
- Importing dates require specific formatting. Below is a list of supported formats
2013/01/20 02:13PM
2013.01.20 14:13
2013-01-20 14:13:20
2013/04/15 10:05:30 -0500
2013/04/15 10:05 -0500