Setting Daylite as your default contact and calendar groups on the iPhone and iPad

After you have shared your Daylite contacts or appointments to your iPhone or iPad you may also want to change your settings to make Daylite your default contact and calendar group.

By setting the Daylite groups as default you can use your Daylite contact list for Caller ID as well as have new contacts and appointments added to Daylite automatically.

If Daylite is the only calendar or contact account on your iPhone and iPad, iOS will automatically set Daylite as the default and you won't need to go through these steps.

Make Daylite Calendar your default

iOS 12 & 11


1. Open Settings
2. Choose Calendar
3. Tap Default Calendar
4. Select your Daylite Account


iOS 10


iOS 9 & Lower


1. Open the settings app on your iPhone or iPad
2. Select Calendar.
3. Choose Daylite as the Default Account
1. Go to the iPhone or iPad settings
2. Choose Mail, Contact and Calendar
3. Find Calendar where you will find "Default Account"
4. Choose the right pointing arrow and select your Daylite contact list

If you are unable to choose Daylite as your default Calendar and only see Category specific Calendars, then you will need to change your Daylite Preferences. From Daylite’s Menu Bar > Daylite > Preferences > Calendar Integration > Daylite Calendar in Other Apps, here you will need to change the Show Appointment as: One Calendar. You can then proceed with the steps to make your Daylite Calendar your default Calendar in your device.

Make Daylite contacts your default

iOS 12 & 11


1. Open Settings
2. Choose Contacts
3. Tap Deafult Account
4. Select your Daylite Account


iOS 10


iOS 9 & Lower


1. Open the settings app on your iPhone or iPad
2. Select Calendar.
3. Choose Daylite as the Default Account
1. Go to the iPhone or iPad settings
2. Choose Mail, Contact and Calendar
3. Find Contacts where you will find "Default Account"
4. Choose the right pointing arrow and select your Daylite contact list
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