Sending Meeting Invitations

Using Daylite, you can create meetings and send invitations to both Daylite users and non-Daylite contacts in your database. This lets you collaborate easily with team members and anyone else you need to involve.

Daylite Team Member Invites

You can create meetings and invite other Daylite users from your account. This is helpful for sharing work and collaborating on job-related discussions.

Note ℹ️

Learn about adding team members to your Daylite account here.

To send a meeting invitation internally:

  1. Create a new meeting.
  2. Under Invitees, click Add Person.
  3. In the popover that appears, select the Daylite user and add them by double-clicking.
  4. Enter any additional details as required.
  5. Click Save.

The appointment is now created, and a meeting invitation will be sent to the user via Daylite Notifications.

External Contact Invites

You can also invite people who are not Daylite users—provided they are contacts in your database with a valid email address.

To send a meeting invitation externally:

  1. Create a new meeting.
  2. Under Invitees, click Add Person.
  3. In the popover that appears, search for the contact and add them by double-clicking.
  4. Enter any additional details as required.
  5. Click Save
  6. An invite sheet will appear, set the appropriate details and click Send

Daylite will send an email invitation to the external contact with meeting details.

Note ℹ️

Meeting invites sent to non-Daylite users go via Daylite Cloud, not your email client. Learn more about sending meeting invites here.  

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