Add Label

Daylite uses labels for phone numbers, addresses, as well as electronic addresses so you can identify the purpose of the field. Daylite comes with standard labels, like Home, Work, Mobile etc and you can add new labels or remove older ones within Daylite Preferences

Adding a new label

  1. Choose Daylite > Preferences.
  2. Click Labels.
  3. Select the tab which matches the type of label you want to add.
  4. Click the "+" button and enter the name.

Now when you edit or create new people and companies, you can choose the added label.

Deleting a label

  1. Choose Daylite > Preferences.
  2. Click Labels.
  3. Select the tab which matches the type of label you want to remove
  4. Choose the label you want to remove
  5. Click the "-" button
  6. Choose which label you want to have current fields replaced to

    Deleting a label cannot be undone and may alter multiple people and companies. Take care when deleting and replacing labels.

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