How do I add and edit custom fields?

Custom Fields are extra fields that can be set with a custom label so you can track additional information with records in Daylite.

There are 12 extra text fields and 4 extra date fields that you can customize.

To customize Custom Fields

  1. Choose Daylite > Preferences
  2. Click Custom Fields
  3. Select the object you want to set up custom fields for
  4. To customize an extra field, go to any Extra field or Extra Date field and enter the name of the field you want to include. For example, if you want to include an Extra Date field called “Expiry date,” then simply enter Expiry Date in one of the Extra date fields.

To add an extra field in Daylite

Let’s take the example of a project.

  1. Create a new project.
  2. From the “add field” menu, select the extra field you want to include and enter the desired information.

You can use the same method to add custom fields for people, companies, opportunities, groups, and products/services.

Want a custom field to show up by default? Go to Daylite Preferences Edit Cards and add the extra field as the main field.


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