How do I link and unlink things in Daylite?

Linking in Daylite

There are a few different ways you can link objects within Daylite.

  • Click the paperclip in the upper right corner of the Daylite window

  • Drag and drop (drag contact onto the target object)

  • When creating or modifying an object, add the object you wish to link to the respective field (If you wish to link a project, click "Add project", for contacts, click "Add Person" etc.)

For advanced company linking options, navigate to Daylite from the top menu-> Settings->Companies and select the options you'd like to link automatically.Daylite Settings companies




Unlinking in Daylite

If you have linked two objects and would like to unlink them, perform the following steps:

Daylite on the Mac

  1. Select the object.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Select the token of the linked object you wish to unlink.
  4. Press delete.
  5. Click Done. This will unlink the object from the main object you had selected.

Daylite for iPhone/iPad

  1. Select the object.
  2. Tap Edit.
  3. Select the – token to the left of the linked object you wish to unlink.
  4. Click Done. This will unlink the object from the main object you had selected.
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