Link Files

Daylite gives you the ability to attach files like a PDF, picture or any other file type to your database. Below are methods on how to do this.

From the Menu Bar

  1. Highlight the object you wish to link the note to
  2. Click on the 'Add File' button in the note
  3. Choose 'Add a copy of a file to Daylite' from the drop-down menu
  4. Click the Choose button and browse for the file on your Mac
  5. Select the file you wish to add and click 'Open'
  6. Now, click 'Add File' to add the file to the note

Drag and Drop

  1. Select the file you wish to add in Daylite
  2. Drag and drop onto the object you wish to add the file to

Adding a File

You also have the option to reference a file in Daylite, whether it is stored on your computer or in an online file-sharing application like Google Docs or Dropbox. This will not save the File in Daylite and therefore not take up Daylite’s storage space.

Dropbox, iCloud or other file sharing services

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