Permissions for Users & Teams

In the video below, we will show you how to create permission presets for users and teams.

Create a Team

  1. Daylite->Settings->Users & Teams->Teams
  2. Click the + in the left panel to create a new Team
  3. In the right panel, click the + to add Users to your new Team

Add Permission Presets

  1. Daylite->Settings->Permissions
  2. Turn the Daylite Permissions to “on”. A window will pop up telling you that for this to save, you will need to quit and reopen Daylite.
  3. In the left panel, click + to add a new Permission Preset. You can Rename this to "Team A Permissions," for example.
  4. In the right panel, you will be able to add the Teams and Users for this particular preset and specify if they’ll be allowed to View and/or Edit records with this permission type.
  5. Click Apply. A window will pop up telling you that, "Each Daylite User may need to restart Daylite before the Permissions preset changes will take effect."

Set Default Permissions

  1. Daylite->Settings->Default Values
  2. Here you can choose any of the objects in Daylite to apply default permission presets to.
  3. On the left panel, you can choose who can set these default permissions you created. An easy way would be to set them as Global, as all Users will have the ability to set up the permission types if they are the ones creating the Project. It can get tricky, however, so it is recommended to go over this carefully. With too many options, users can get confused about which permission preset to apply.
  4. Next, make sure to check off Permissions. This will give you the option to toggle between a few settings: "None, Public, Private" and all created presets. Depending on if you have set the left panel as Global or an individual, you will click either “all” or “specific presents” to be available.
  5. This will save automatically once inputted.
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