Resetting and Wiping a Local Database

​There may be times when you need to remove the local copy of a Mac, iPhone, or iPad database. You may do this for personnel changes, move to a new computer, or get a fresh copy of the database.


Daylite uses the account manager to remove any device that a Daylite user has ever logged into. For the Daylite Admin user, you can remove a device for any user.

Removing your devices

To remove one of your devices, follow the steps below:

Removing the database from a device will result in the permanent deletion of your offline database on the device, and any unsynced data would be lost.

  1. Log in to the Daylite account manager.
  2. Choose My Info.
  3. Under the Devices section, locate the devices you which to remove.
  4. Choose Remove and confirm.

Next time the device attempts to sync with the server, Daylite will log the user out and remove the offline database.

Removing other users devices

If you are the Daylite Administrator, then you can remove the devices for any user in your database.

Removing the database from a device will permanently delete the offline database on the device, and any unsynced data would be lost.

  1. Log in to the Daylite account manager.
  2. Choose Users.
  3. Scroll down to the list of Active and Inactive Users.
  4. Select Devices.
  5. Click Remote for the device you wish to remove from the device list and confirm.
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