Customize Roles and Relationships

You should set up a basic set of user roles and relationships once, before heavy use of Daylite begins, and adjust them as your needs change. You can customize them in the Roles & Relationships pane of Daylite Preferences.

Watch this video to learn how to customize Roles & Relationships or read the written instructions below.

To customize roles

  1. Choose Daylite > Preferences.
  2. Click Roles & Relationships.
  3. To customize the roles that people play, click the Contact Roles tab and do the following:
    • Click the + button to add a new role and enter a name.
    • To ensure that the role is available in Daylite, select the Active checkbox.
    • Select whether the role applies to a company/project/opportunity.
  4. To customize the roles that companies play, click the Company Roles tab and do the following:
    • Click the + button to add a new role and enter a name.
    • To ensure that the role is available in Daylite, select the Active checkbox.
    • Select whether the role applies to the project/opportunity.

To customize relationships

  1. Choose Daylite > Preferences.
  2. Click Roles & Relationships.
  3. Click the Relationships tab.
  4. To add a new relationship, click the “+” button and do the following:
    • Enter a name and title for the relationship. The name also represents the forward relationship.
    • Ensure that you select the checkbox to keep the relationship active.
    • Enter the reverse relationship and title as required.
    • Select whether the relationship applies to people or companies or both.

Existing roles and relationships can be edited in the same way, and removed by clicking the - button. If you delete a role or relationship, Daylite will ask you if you want to substitute another existing one in its place.

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