Keyboard Shortcuts for Daylite Keyboard Shortcuts for Daylite

Keyboard Shortcuts for Daylite

Julia Julia

We’ve compiled a list of all shortcuts you can use in Daylite to take your productivity to the next level and to increase efficiency.





 Go to the next field


 Go to the previous field

 Bottom arrow

 Open a drop-down menu

 Select a token and press return

 Performs a slide over and displays the selected   object

 Click a date field to open the date picker. Highlight either year, month, or date in the date field.

Increases the day/month/year. Decreases the day/month/year. Switches between year/month/date. 

 Top arrow Bottom arrow Left/right arrow ESC

 Close the date picker


 Go back in a slide over

 Select a token and press delete

 Removes the token


 Save the edit card


 Open the Edit card


2. You can use the following shortcuts for ordering tasks.




 command-shift-top arrow

 Moves task up one level

 command-shift-down arrow

 Moves task down one level


 Indents the selected task and makes it a sub-task of   the task above it


 Outdents the selected sub-task

 option-mouse click

 Hold Option and click a task checkbox to set the status of the task as ‘cancelled’.  In DMA if you option-click an arrow in a token it will take you directly to that record in Daylite.


3. Some other keyboard shortcuts





 Go to Search


 Open/close the edit mode

 command-, (Command and the comma key)

 Open the Preferences


 Hide Daylite


 Hide Others


 Quit Daylite


 New person


 New opportunity


 New task


 New appointment

 option+save button (on new objects)

 Hold down option when saving from the "create"   window will take you to a new object in the main   window

 option-click+drag (on appointments)

 Hold down option dragging a selected appointment   in the calendar to duplicate it


 New main window


 New tab

 control-shift-tab OR command-shift-[

 Previous tab

control-tab OR command-shift-]

 Next tab


 Show all tabs


 Close window


 Page setup
















 Paste and match style


 Select All




 Find Next


 Find Previous


 Jump to Selection


 Write Letter in Daylite


 Special Characters




 Multi-Column List






 Go to Date


 Day View


 Week View


 Month View


 Expand/collapse fields in row




 Send an email from Mail


 Add email to Daylite from Mail (via DMA)


 Remove email in Daylite from Mail (via DMA)


 Refresh the DMA panel in Mail from Daylite


 Show/Hide Daylite Assistant in Mail