How to adjust Text size and Sidebar size in Daylite How to adjust Text size and Sidebar size in Daylite

How to adjust Text size and Sidebar size in Daylite

Julia Julia

The default Daylite text size is set to “Medium”, but it can be adjusted by following these steps:

1. From Daylite's main menu > click Settings

2. Select General > choose Text size and/or Sidebar size

3. You will see three options to choose from Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large or Extra Extra Large. Select the font size that suits you best.


In addition to changing the Text size from General Settings, you can also change it from anywhere with the menu option:

1. Go to View > select Text Size 

2. From the list of options: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large or Extra Extra LargeIncrease or Decrease. Select the font size that suits you best.

Tip: You can simply use the Command -/+ shortcut to quickly adjust the Text size as well.

Warning: Ensure you have the latest version of Daylite by going to the Daylite main menu > Check for updates.