You can change the ownership of objects belonging to a Daylite user by bulk editing the owner field of those items.
As a first step, you would need to create a smart list to pull up all items owned by this employee - this will have to be repeated for all areas of the app, like People, Companies, Projects etc:
Once all contacts, as an example, are filtered, select all of them (press and hold the Shift+Option keys, then click the items) and go to Edit from the top menu-->Bulk Edit:
Alternatively, the Bulk Edit command can be added to the Contextual Menu:
- Navigate to Daylite --> Settings --> Contextual menu
- Select the object, in this case, People
- Simply drag the Bulk Edit function from the Available Menu Items column to the Objects Menu column on the right.
In the window that opens, check the Owner box and select the new owner from the drop-down menu-->Apply:
The ownership of all those contacts will automatically be switched to the new person.
If you're changing the ownership because a user is leaving your company, please do so prior to deactivating them from Daylite, as searching for objects owned by an inactive user will not be possible.