Slow Email Loading with Daylite Mail Assistant

When you're checking email you may occasionally notice emails loading slowly or a message indicating the selected message is taking a long time to load. 

This can occur with lengthy email threads or emails with large attachments. This problem arises because Apple Mail tries to download the entire message again, even if it was previously downloaded with a Mail extension. As a result, all messages might load slower than usual, causing this message to appear.

If reselecting the message doesn't resolve the issue, try the following solutions:

  1. Quit Daylite and Apple Mail.
  2. Reopen both applications.
  3. Check the previous email thread again.

If the issue persists, you can view email directly:

  1. Select the message within a thread.
  2. Double-click the email to view it separately.

By following these steps, you can help Apple Mail reload the message more effectively, reduce the loading time when viewing emails and reduce the frequency of this issue.

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