These customizable fields give you great flexibility in classifying companies. If you work exclusively with retail establishments, for instance, you might want to set up several "kinds" of retailers in the type field and use industry to drill down even further. Then, using smart lists and reports, you can easily see valuable information about companies that match certain criteria, including these fields.
These fields, plus several automatic linking options, can be customized in the Companies pane of Daylite Preferences.
To customize the type, industry, and region:
1. Choose Daylite > Preferences.
2. Click Companies.
3. Click the appropriate tab i.e., Type/Industry/Region.
4. Click the “+” button to add a new entry, enter a short descriptive name and ensure that you select the “Active” checkbox so that it is available in Daylite for selection.
Now when you are adding or editing a contact card, you can specify their company by type, industry, and region based on the terms you have added.
To set the automatic linking options:
1. Choose Daylite > Preferences.
2. Click Companies.
3. Select the automatic linking options you wish to use.
This way if you are dealing with multiple people within a company, you can select if you want any notes. e-mails, appointments, etc. with any of these people all linked back to that company.