Pro Forma invoices are useful for validating an invoice with a client or manager before making the real invoice. It is a draft of the invoice and is useful in identifying any discrepancies before you make the final invoice.

Pro Forma invoices don't have an invoice number. Billings Pro replaces the title of the invoice to say "Pro Forma Invoice." However, you can customize these aspects.

Keep in mind that a slip should not be a part of multiple Pro Forma invoices.

Creating a Pro Forma Invoice

  1. Select the desired slips
  2. Choose Project > Send Invoice
  3. Click the Invoice tab to enter details
  4. Click the Invoice number and change this to Pro Forma Invoice
  5. When you are ready to send the Pro Forma invoice, click Create Pro Forma.

At this point, you can validate the Pro Forma invoice with the concerned person. If there is any discrepancy, you can edit the Pro Forma invoice and validate it again. Otherwise, you can create the final invoice and send it to the client.

Editing a Pro Forma invoice

  1. In the Account view, select the Pro Forma invoice.
  2. Double-click to open the Pro Forma invoice.
  3. Click the Invoice tab. Under Details, choose "Pro Forma Invoice" from the pop-up menu next to the Invoice #.
  4. Make the necessary changes.
  5. When done, click Create Pro Forma.

Sending the final invoice

  1. In the Account view, select the Pro Forma Invoice.
  2. Double-click to open the Pro Forma Invoice.
  3. Enter any other information as needed.
  4. Click Create Invoice.

Terms change to "Specific Date" when you edit a Pro Forma invoice or when you want to make it a real invoice. Once you have sent the real invoice, you can delete the Pro Forma invoice.