You attempt to add a calendar event into Daylite and get the following prompt: Process ITIP failed
Why is this problem occurring
This error means that Daylite is unable to import the ICS file in the invite email.
Follow the steps below in order to isolate and resolve the most common causes.
The invite was sent to an email address that is not stored in your contact record
The first step when seeing this error is to check the email address that the invite was ‘sent’ to in your Mail Application. Ensure this email address matches the address in your Daylite contact record.
Alternatively, you can add the email address to your Daylite contact record if it is the address you use that is not yet in your Daylite Contact card.
Not able to import ICS files in emails that are ‘responses’ to an invite
Invite responses that you receive back from your clients (indicating the appointment was accepted or declined), cannot be processed in Daylite. Daylite is not able to process these types of ICS files due to the formatting differences in the file itself.
Differences in ICS files
This can also be related to an issue with a specific type of .ics file. There are different types of .ics files that have different meanings and sending the time-block through iCal / Calendar and exporting it changes its type (and also meaning).
More information:
This is an issue with a specific type of .ics file. There are different types of .ics files that have different meanings and sending the time-block through iCal / Calendar and exporting it changes its type (and also meaning).
Daylite can process external meeting invites that invite Daylite users with matching email addresses in their contact information. When you have an .ICS file that is an external meeting invite (a REQUEST) with no attendees/invitees, Daylite cannot process it. In this case, it is not possible to invite any Daylite users and hence you cannot accept the invitation in Daylite.
iCal / Calendar being a single user application can create a time-block with no invitees, so you are able to import an .ICS file having no invitees into iCal / Calendar. When it has been exported from iCal / Calendar, the .ics file becomes a PUBLISH .ics file which has a different meaning. PUBLISH files merely describe an event without inviting a user. The PUBLISH file can be imported into Daylite and automatically set to invite the current user. If the file had been exported from iCal / Calendar by selecting "Send Email," then it would still not be possible to import it into Daylite because it would still be a REQUEST.