Contacts not importing from the Contacts app or vCard Contacts not importing from the Contacts app or vCard

Contacts not importing from the Contacts app or vCard

Julia Julia


When importing from the contacts app or by vCard Daylite appears to process but no new contacts appear in your contact list. The import contact count in Last Import may show (null) Contacts Imported or give an accurate number of contacts you attempted to import

Why is this problem occurring

This is happening because Daylite does not have permission to access the Contacts app.


Give Daylite access to the Contacts app and import it again

  1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences.
  2. Select Security & Privacy.
  3. Click the Privacy tab.
  4. In the left-side pane, select Contacts.
  5. Under "Allow the apps below to access your contacts," select the checkbox for Daylite.

Now when you import Daylite will import the contacts correctly

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