Important information about Daylite user accounts. Important information about Daylite user accounts.

Important information about Daylite user accounts.

Active Users

Each of your Active users is also a Contact in Daylite. Your active user account must be linked to your own contact record in Daylite.

To link a user to their contact record in Daylite:

  1. Launch Daylite and select Daylite (from the menubar) --> Preferences --> Users & Teams.
  2. Now click on your username in the pane on the left. Navigate to the bottom of this window and select Change, and search for your contact record.
  3. Once you've located your contact record, double click the record to link it to your user.

User Access Levels

A Daylite administrator/superuser can go to Daylite --> Preferences --> Users & Teams to manipulate the Access levels for each user in Daylite.

  1. A user can be a Superuser, an administrator, or a limited access worker. There is always one Superuser account created with each database. Others can be selected, but typically it is recommended to only have one, most likely the company owner/president.
  2. Superusers can perform all functions as well as see all records in the database, including those marked as private. Administrators can create user accounts, control the access levels for workers, and customize database preferences, but they cannot see private records in the database. Workers can do only what their permission settings allow.

User Identity

  1. Each user must use their own user account to login into Daylite and refrain from using any other user's login credentials or "Daylite Admin" unless otherwise instructed.
  2. Once you have added a user, you cannot delete that user. You can only de-activate the user account.
  3. To change the User name, simply log in as an Administrator and go to Daylite Preferences --> User & Teams --> Select the User from the pane on the left and choose "Change User Name."