The favourites bar is designed to allow the user quick access to their most commonly used objects in the database. These objects include Contacts, Opportunities, Projects, Calendars, and just about every other object in Daylite. In order to use the favourites bar, follow these steps:
- In Daylite, click on View > Show Favourites
- You will notice that a grey space appears at the top of the Daylite Window.
- Choose an object you wish to add as a favourite, such as a Calendar or a Smart List, and drag it to the grey space. You will need to drag the object from the left-side menu. In a case where the object is something specific, like a Contact or Task, you will need to drag the specific object into the grey space.
- When the mouse reaches the grey space, a green plus will appear. Let go of the mouse button and the object will stay in the bar.
To Remove a Favourite View
- Choose the object that you would like to remove from the favourite bar.
- Drag the object away from the grey space and drop it. You will see and hear the object being removed.
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