Watch this video to learn how to create Activity Sets or follow our written instructions below.

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Creating Activity Sets

  1. Choose Daylite > Preferences.
  2. Click Activity Set.
  3. To add a new activity set, click the “+” button at the bottom-left corner of the window.
  4. Enter a name and brief description.
  5. Select the Active checkbox to ensure that the activity set is available in Daylite for selection.
  6. Select the object(s) the activity set applies to.
  7. Add tasks and appointments to the activity set. To do this, in the New Activity Set area, click the “+” button and choose Add Task or Add Appointment. Enter the details.
  8. There are two types of tasks/appointments that you can create within Activity Sets in relation to Due Dates; Forward and Reverse. Tasks and appointments can be based on the Start (Forward) or End (Reverse) Dates.


In the Activity Set Preferences, you can set up tasks and appointments that have @@ in their title. When the activity set is added to a person/company/project/opportunity/group in Daylite and the task (or appointment) is created, the @@ in the task/appointment title is replaced with the person/company/project/opportunity/group name.

Tasks and appointments can be reordered in an activity set by simple drag and drop. At any point, you can delete an activity set by selecting it and clicking the “-” button.

To add an activity set in Daylite

  1. Select a person/company/project/opportunity/group.
  2. Choose File > New > New Activity Set.
  3. In the sheet that opens, do the following:
  4. Select an activity set.
  5. You may have to specify the start date or end date for the activity set. This depends on whether you have set up a “forward” or “reverse” activity set in the preferences.
  6. To link to any other Daylite object, click Add Link and search for the object. You can select the object and link it by double-clicking.
  7. When done, click Create.

To learn about Task Automation with Activity Sets, please click here.