For clients that need to renew a policy or contract, you can create a Smart List in Daylite to remind you of when those policies or contracts are about to expire.
Part 1: Setting Up Expiring Date
First, you need to add the expiring or renewal date in a custom field. To do this:
1. Open your Daylite preferences
2. Select "Custom Fields"
3. Under the "Person" tab, use the Extra Date Fields to enter in "Renewal Date" or "Expiry Date".
4. In your Daylite Preferences, select "Edit Cards"
5. Under the "People" tab, check off "Renewal Date" (or "Expiry Date" depending on what you called it n the Extra Date Field. This way when you add or edit a contact record, this extra date field will show up so you remember to fill out the renewal or expiry date.
As your client purchases a policy or signs a contract, you will need to enter the expiry or renewal date in the extra field of the contact record.
Part 2: Creating a Smart List
- Select "People" from your sidebar and click the magnifying glass to filter. Then enter in the filtering criteria.
- For this you can select "Category" is "Customer" for the first level, and underneath select "Renewal Date" is "this month" or "this week". (or "this month" depending on how much lead time you need).
- Click "Save as Smart List" and you now have an automatically updated list of which clients to contact when their policy or contract is about to expire.