This video is part 1 of 7 in the Getting Organized and Efficient training series. To continue to view the series click the next video link below.

Watch the next video: Filtering with Smart lists

Classifications in Daylite are attributes that you can apply to a Primary Object. Things like Categories, Keywords, Types, etc. are Secondary Objects in Daylite. This means that they can only exist when a Primary Object is created, for example, a Person.

Category: A logical separation of objects with the same characteristics. Different items can have different categories, but only a single category can be applied to each object. They are colour-coded and easy to filter visually, a feature only available for Categories.

Keywords: An additional attribute of an object. Unlimited selection as an object can have multiple keywords. They can also be used to define the context.

Take some time to write down all of the ways that you classify the things that you search for in your database. The words that you come up with will end up being used as the Categories and Keywords in Daylite. 

Only available for Company records:

Type: Describes the field that the Company is in; very broad.

Industry: Refers to the kind of Company, in relation to its product or service.

Region: Based on how you geographically segment your market