Do you offer a discount for education and non-profit organizations? Do you offer a discount for education and non-profit organizations?

Do you offer a discount for education and non-profit organizations?

Marketcircle Customer Service Team Marketcircle Customer Service Team

Marketcircle is proud to offer a 50% discount on the yearly plan for non-profit organizations and students, staff, and faculty members of educational institutions. We strongly believe Daylite can transform the way you do work, and we want to empower those who are working towards improving humanity.


To receive the discount, Marketcircle requires information confirming that you belong to one of these organizations. Please read and provide the requirements below before submitting a discount request to process this as quickly as possible.

Educational Institutions

  • Actively attending or working at a recognized institution with an .edu email address.
  • The email address has to be associated with the educational institution’s website.
  • Students require proof of enrollment.
    • Picture of your dated student ID (with current date)

Non-Profit Organizations

  • Must have a .org email address, and the email must be associated with the organization’s website.
  • Supporting documentation that over 75% of the funding goes to programs.

Please get in touch with the Marketcircle Customer Service Team to apply for a discount.