See how Daylite makes scheduling for people and resources easier with the Separate by User and Resource view in Daylite!

Scheduling appointments for people and resources

  1. From the Users & Resources Calendar click on the Users & Resources bar next to the gear icon and select all of the users and/or resources for you which you wish to schedule an appointment.
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  2. Click on the gear icon to select ‘Separate by User or Resource’ and ‘Color by User or Resource’.
  3. In the day, week or month view each user’s and resource’s appointments will be colour-coded. In the day or week view, a column will appear for each user and/or resource selected, allowing you to see availability at a glance.

Scheduling for a single user or resource

From the day view

Notice how the colours for each user line up with the legend at the top to make it as easy as possible for you to schedule for the correct person.
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  1. Click and drag a small area under one of the columns. A coloured bar appears for the chosen time frame and a new appointment window opens with the selected User or Resource added as an invitee. If you drag for an appointment under the Everyone column then all of the selected Users and/or Resources are added as invitees. Double-clicking in the relevant column will also bring up the appointment creation window for the selected user or resource.
  2. Enter the appropriate information. Click Save.

What are Resources?

Resources refer to assets available by your company to "rent out." An example would be a Meeting Room or a Projector. In Daylite Preferences, you can add multiple Resources, which will then be added to the list available in an Appointment. Within an Appointment, you can add whatever Resources would be useful or needed. A conflict will arise in this Appointment if that particular Resource is already being used at that time. For example, this also happens if someone is trying to invite you to an Appointment, but you are already busy with another Appointment. Lastly, Resources can be viewed in your All Calendars view by clicking the Choose Calendar drop-down selector, where all the Resources will be listed on the bottom. You can either choose to view all the Resources in one Calendar or individually.

The user creating the record owns the appointment in case they need to review the details or make changes in case someone declines.


From the week view

  1. Click and drag a small area under one of the columns. A colored bar appears for the chosen time frame and a new appointment window opens with the selected User or Resource added as an invitee. Double-clicking in the relevant column will also bring up the appointment creation window for the selected user or resource.
  2. Enter the appropriate information. Click Save.

While the ‘Invite Selected Users’ functionality is enabled, you can hold down the option key to create an appointment for only the current user or default invitee. To completely disable the ‘Invite Selected Users’ functionality go to Daylite Preferences Default Values Appointments.


Scheduling for multiple users or resources

From any view

  1. Choose File > New > New Appointment or click on new Appointment from the menu bar. An appointment will be created with all currently selected Users and/or Resources added as invitees.
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  2. Enter the appropriate information. Click Save.

From the month view

  1. Double-click on the day when the appointment is required. A new appointment window opens with all currently selected Users and/or Resources added as invitees.
  2. Enter the appropriate information. Click Save.