How to Add an Office 365 Email Account to Daylite Mail Using Multi-Factor Authentication

If your Office 365 account uses Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), you will need to use an app-specific password to add your account. Please have a look at Microsoft's Learn More page for further details on this. 

First, the Admin will need to allow their user(s) to generate an app-specific password:

  1. As an Admin, log into your Office 365 account
  2. Click on the Admin button at the top right side under Apps

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  3. In the pane on the left, choose Users then click Active Users
  4. If Preview mode is not enabled, then you'll need to select “Try the preview” at the top right corner to change views. You will need this to see additional options for this setup
  5. Next to Export Users click the “…” button and choose Setup multi-factor authentication

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  6. Select the user and click Enable
  7. Click enable multi-factor auth

To create an App-Specific password

  1. Click your profile icon at the top right corner and select My Account
  2. Then select Security & Privacy > Additional Security & Verification
  3. Click Create and manage app passwords
  4. Click Create and give the app a name (e.g. My Mail)
  5. Click Next
  6. Make note of the password generated or select Copy to clipboard
  7. Click Close

This app-specific password can then be used when adding your Office 365 account to Daylite Mail If you experience any problems following along with the steps above, please contact us for more assistance.

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