Daylite - Open ESET Ports Daylite - Open ESET Ports

Daylite - Open ESET Ports

Josh Josh

ESET is a third-party firewall Application.

ESET can also block DMA and Daylite helper, so it’s recommended to also follow these articles: Daylite Mail Assistant - Open ESET Ports, Daylite Helper - Open ESET Ports.


Here are the steps that will allow you to open ports in ESET for Daylite:

  1. Let's start by opening ESET; the home window will greet you.



  2. From the home window, we will need to click on Setup on the left-hand side. Once you have done that, you will see this window.



  3. Now hover your mouse over Firewall and click. This will put you on the firewall settings page.



  4. Now click on the Setup button on the right side of the screen. This will cause a popup like in the image below; this popup contains the firewall-enforced rules.



  5. Click on the Add… button at the bottom of the list. Another window will pop up this window will walk you through how to add an exception to your firewalls rules for Daylite. Please fill out the information as shown in the picture; once you are finished, click on Next >.



  6. This screen allows you to Deny or Allow access to the application you are adding; it also will enable you to determine what data direction (in or out) is allowed. Please fill out the information as shown in the picture; once you are finished, click on Next >.




  7. On this screen, you can choose what protocol you want to use and what type of port and port numbers. Please fill out the information as shown in the picture; once you are finished, click on Next >.



  8. Once you have reached this screen, just set the Destination to Entire Internet and click Finish.




  9. Congrats, you have now opened the ports to Daylite within ESET. You might need to close and reopen Daylite for it to start working correctly.