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Daylite Mail

Troubleshooting Daylite Mail Assistant and Daylite Mail for iOS.

Apple Mail Crashing after Turning on Mail Extensions
An Apple Mail crash is being reported by Mail Extension manufacturers, w...
Josh Josh
Daylite Mail Assistant Support Matrix
  Daylite Mail Assistant Extension Daylite for Outlook Legacy Daylite...
I'm unable to merge a letter template for a Person and send it via an email
Symptom Daylite doesn't appear to respond when attempting to merge a let...
Josh Josh
Reverting to the Legacy Mail Assistant Plugin from the new Mail Assistant Extension
  In certain situations, you may need to revert to the Legacy Mail Assis...
Tunde Tunde
Slow Email Loading with Daylite Mail Assistant
When you're checking email you may occasionally notice emails loading sl...
Switch to the Direct Download Build of Daylite for Mac
If you installed Daylite from the Mac App Store, your version of Daylite...
Julia Julia
The Daylite Mail Assistant Has Stopped Responding
When the Daylite Mail Assistant and Apple Mail have stopped communicatin...
Updates on Daylite Mail Assistant Sonoma Compatibility
We want to keep you informed about important developments related to the...
When I attempt to send an email existing in Daylite, I see an error
Symptom When sending an email working in Daylite, you receive the follow...
Josh Josh
When I Invite Someone to a Meeting I See "Your user contact record needs an email address before you can invite contacts."
Symptom When trying to invite someone to your meeting, you see a message...
Josh Josh
Why are external invites not being sent when adding an external invitee?
Issue: When attempting to send invites to external clients, you do not r...
Ray Ray
Why do I see a scissors icon in some of my emails that were added to Daylite?
Symptom I see an icon with a pair of scissors in some of my emails that ...
Josh Josh