Adjusting a Timed Slip
A slip that can be timed using a timer to calculate the total amount bas...
Julia Julia
Adding Time to a Timed Slip
A slip that can be timed using a timer to calculate the total amount bas...
Entering a fraction into a time log does not display time accurately.
Symptom Entering a fraction into a time log is displaying an incorrect a...
Julia Julia
How do I add Timer Log entries to my invoice template?
You can do this with your current custom invoice template or by creating...
Julia Julia
How to set Billings Pro to detect when I am idle
By checking if your keyboard and mouse are in use, Billings Pro can dete...
Julia Julia
Using Timers on the Mac
This is an in-depth look into using the timer function in Billings to ca...
Julia Julia
Editing the Timer Log
In this video, users who bill for their time will learn how to remove or...
Julia Julia