How to Cancel your Daylite Subscription
In order to cancel your Daylite Cloud subscription, please follow the st...
How to bulk change the owner of objects in Daylite
You can change the ownership of objects belonging to a Daylite user by b...
Daylite Storage
How Much Storage Do I Have?
With Daylite, you get 100 GB of data storage...
Exporting as a spreadsheet file
You can export information in your database as a delimited text file con...
How can I remove a device from Daylite?
Daylite gives you the ability to remove a user's device. This action wil...
How does Daylite handle attachments?
When you add an attachment to an email/note in Daylite, the attachment i...
How much space does Daylite on my iPhone and iPad take up?
This depends on the database's size and cannot be determined until you d...
How to add files to Daylite on the iPhone and iPad
Daylite Touch on the iPhone and iPad allows you to link files to multipl...
How to change your Daylite Company Name
Your company name (which identifies your company when logging in to Dayl...
How do you change your name and password in Daylite?
Web Browser
Open the Daylite Account Manager.
Enter your Daylite login ...
How do I Delete My Daylite Account?
Deleting your Daylite account will permanently delete all data from Dayl...
How To Document Data Processing Consent
Disclaimer: This does not constitute legal advice and is understood to b...
How To Share What Information You have About A Person in Daylite
This does not constitute legal advice and is understood to be general gu...
Resetting and wiping a local database
There may be times when you need to remove the local copy of a Mac, iPh...