Creating a Mailing Label Template in Daylite
If you’re looking to send out physical letters to multiple clients, Dayl...
Julia Julia
How can I print emails from the Activity View in Daylite?
Welcome to our help article explaining what to do if you are using Dayli...
Julia Julia
Printing/Exporting contacts that are linked to a group in Daylite
In order to export/print people added to a Group to display them in a sp...
Julia Julia
How to Share Daylite Contacts With Other Contact Applications
What Can I Do With Contact Sharing? Share your Daylite Contacts with Ap...
Julia Julia
How to export your contacts into spreadsheets
Watch this video and be guided on how to export your Daylite contacts in...
How to print labels from a Daylite group
Follow these steps to print labels for a group in Daylite: From your con...
Julia Julia
How can I configure Daylite to automatically add new contacts to my Shared list?
New contacts can automatically be added to the "Shared People" list and ...
Julia Julia
How to print your contacts
Watch this video and be guided on how to print your Daylite contacts or ...
Julia Julia
Adding a "department" to a mailing label sheet
You can create your own labels within the Daylite Preferences under the ...
Julia Julia
How can I add a company name to an envelope or label sheet?
If you wish to add the company name to a label, label sheet or envelope ...
Julia Julia
How do I Add Business Card Scans to Daylite
For business card scans, as long as the scanning app can scan contacts a...
Julia Julia
How are fields mapped when sharing contacts from Daylite using CardDAV?
The following table lists how fields are mapped when sharing contacts us...
Julia Julia
Can I share contacts and companies in "Show in other apps" lists with other Daylite users?
Contacts and Companies in "Show in other apps" lists cannot be shared wi...
How can I export a smart list?
Let's take the example of contacts and see how to do this: Select a Sma...