Keyboard Shortcuts
We’ve compiled a list of all shortcuts you can use in Daylite to take your productivity to the next level and to increase efficiency.
- Tab: Go to the next field
- Shift-Tab: Go to the previous field
- Bottom Arrow: Open a drop-down menu
- Select a token and press Return: Performs a slide-over and displays the selected object
- Click a date field to open the date picker. Highlight year, month, or date.:
- Top Arrow: Increases the day/month/year
- Bottom Arrow: Decreases the day/month/year
- Left/Right Arrow: Switches between year/month/date
- ESC: Close the date picker
- Command-[: Go back in a slide-over
- Select a token and press Delete: Removes the token
- Command-S: Save the edit card
- Command-E: Open the Edit card
Ordering Tasks
- Command-Shift-Top Arrow: Moves task up one level
- Command-Shift-Down Arrow: Moves task down one level
- Command-]: Indents the selected task and makes it a sub-task of the task above it
- Command-[: Outdents the selected sub-task
- Option-Click: Hold Option and click a task checkbox to set the status of the task as ‘cancelled.’
- In DMA: Option-click an arrow in a token to go directly to that record in Daylite
Search & Preferences
- Command-Option-F: Go to Search
- Command-E: Open/Close edit mode
- Command-, (Command and the comma key): Open the Preferences
- Command-F: Find
- Command-G: Find Next
- Shift-Command-G: Find Previous
- Command-J: Jump to Selection
Windows & Tabs
- Command-H: Hide Daylite
- Option-Command-H: Hide Others
- Command-Q: Quit Daylite
- Shift-Command-K: New Person
- Shift-Command-O: New Opportunity
- Shift-Command-T: New Task
- Shift-Command-B: New Appointment
- Option-Save Button (on new objects): Hold Option when saving from the "create" window to navigate to a new object in the main window
- Option-Click+Drag (on appointments): Hold Option while dragging an appointment in the calendar to duplicate it
- Option-Command-N: New Main Window
- Command-T: New Tab
- Control-Shift-Tab OR Command-Shift-[: Previous Tab
- Control-Tab OR Command-Shift-]: Next Tab
- *Shift-Command-\*: Show all Tabs
- Command-W: Close Window
Printing & Editing
- Shift-Command-P: Page Setup
- Command-P: Print
- Command-Z: Undo
- Shift-Command-Z: Redo
- Command-X: Cut
- Command-C: Copy
- Command-V: Paste
- Option-Shift-Command-V: Paste and Match Style
- Command-A: Select All
Using Special Characters
- Option-Command-M: Write Letter in Daylite
- Option-Command-T: Special Characters
Changing Views
- Command-R: Refresh
- Command-[: Back
- Option-Command-J: Go to Date
- Control-Command-J: Day View
- Control-Command-W: Week View
- Control-Command-M: Month View
Other Keyboard Shortcuts
- Command-;: Expand/Collapse fields in a row
- Command-M: Minimize
- Shift-Command-D: Send an Email from Mail
- Control-Command-X: Add Email to Daylite from Mail (via DMA)
- Control-Option-Command-X: Remove Email in Daylite from Mail (via DMA)
- Control-R: Refresh the DMA Panel in Mail from Daylite
- Control-Command-Z: Show/Hide Daylite Assistant in Mail