How to uninstall Daylite? How to uninstall Daylite?

How to uninstall Daylite?

Josh Josh

This article gives you step-by-step instructions to uninstall Daylite. To uninstall the Daylite Mail Assistant, read How can I uninstall Daylite Mail Assistant?
Uninstalling Daylite will result in the permanent deletion of your offline database and any unsynced data. To avoid unnecessary data loss, sync with the cloud before continuing. These steps should not be used to troubleshoot issues!! If you are having any issues with Daylite please contact our Technical Support Team here to investigate further.



  1. Sync the Daylite client app by choosing File > Sync
    Initiating manual sync in Daylite
  2. Log out of Daylite by choosing File > Log Out
  3. Quit Daylite by choosing Daylite > Quit
    Logging out and quitting Daylite
  4. Open Finder and choose to Go > Go to Folder...
  5. Copy and paste the bolded line, then hit return: ~/Library/Group Containers/
  6. Locate and delete the folder
    find and locate the daylite folder to delete
  7. Open Finder and choose to Go > Go to Folder...
  8. Copy and paste the bolded line, then hit return: ~/Library/Preferences
  9. Locate and delete all preferences that start with: com.marketcircle.daylite
    locate and delete all daylite preferences files
  10. Open Finder and choose to Go > Go to Folder...
  11. Copy and paste in the bolded text and then hit return: /Applications
  12. Locate and delete the Application Daylite
    delete daylite from Applications folder
  13. Restart your computer


  1. Remove an app from the Home Screen: Touch and hold the app on the Home Screen to open a quick actions menu, tap Remove App, then tap Move to App Library to keep it in the App Library, or tap Delete App to delete it from iPhone.
  2. Delete an app from the App Library and Home Screen: Touch and hold the app in the App Library to open a quick actions menu, tap Delete App, then tap Delete.