You can export information in your database as a delimited text file containing tab-separated values or comma-separated values. Working from the multi-column list view, you can select rows of data and export them. This can be saved as a text file that can be imported into other applications, such as Excel or Numbers. For a guided walkthrough, check out our video tutorial here.


To export as a tab-separated or comma-separated text file.

  1. Choose the type of record you want to export (People, Companies, Projects, Opportunities, Groups, Tasks, Appointments, Notes).
  2. Choose View > Multi-Column List.
    Note: You can display additional columns by right-clicking the column header and selecting the columns you wish to display. You can also re-order the columns by dragging and dropping the column header to the desired position.
  3. Select the record(s) you wish to export, so they are highlighted.
  4. Choose File > Export > Export Visible Columns and Selected Rows to File.
  5. Enter a file name and select a location to save the file.
  6. Select a format to export. You can select either tab-separated (.tsv) or comma-separated (.csv) format. The tab-separated format uses tab characters as separators between fields. The comma-separated format has each of the data elements separated by a comma. Tab-separated or comma-separated text files can be imported into spreadsheets and other database applications.
  7. Set the appropriate file encoding depending on what you want to do with the exported file. Otherwise, you may want to stick to the default file encoding, which is Unicode (UTF8).
  8. Select the appropriate option for line endings. Otherwise, you may choose to stick to the default line ending, which is LF (Default). For instance, if you wish to export items in Daylite as a comma-separated file and import that text file into Excel, you should choose the line ending CRLF (Windows).
  9. Click Save.

Daylite creates and saves the exported file in the specified location.